This morning we read No David! by David Shannon AGAIN! But, this time we read it for a different purpose. As part of the Grade 1 Language/Reading Ontario curriculum, students are required to identify who is speaking in an oral text, as well as the point of view expressed by the speaker. In order to gain exposure and practice in this area, I felt it necessary to begin by using a familiar text.
We talked about what point of view means, whose voice is heard in the text, whose voice is not heard, and how the story would be different if another character (David) was telling it. It was absolutely amazing to see and hear how well the students comprehended these concepts. I still can't believe their work after just one lesson!
I had students work in pairs to write out the story from David's perspective. What would he say if his voice was heard? What they came up with was awesome!
For the final pages of the story, each child received as many post-its as they needed to write what David would be saying. They had a lot to say! Check out the thinking and learning going on here! Wow!
This is the rubric that I will be using, while studying point of view, to assess my students.
After re-writing the story from David's point of view, we brainstormed a list of interview questions for David. Here is our list.
I then gave students the opportunity to sit in the HOT SEAT! I chose different students to become David. They wore this crazy hat/headband and had the chance to answer the interview questions as David! They did such a fabulous job! The laughter in the room was priceless! I LOVE this age. These kids are fabulous!
Since we didn't have enough time to give everyone a chance to be in the HOT SEAT, I cut out speech bubbles and sent children off to work in pairs again. They all got a chance to be David and answered questions from his perspective. They LOVED this!
This afternoon, the children had a chance to create their own communities. This is the checklist they were all given. They were provided with a model of what was expected, and then they were required to create their own using materials provided. They enjoyed this.
Such great artists! |
Our reading buddies came for a visit today! Instead of reading in pairs, we decided to give the grade ones a chance to work with their grade five buddies on an important task. As part of our community unit, students are required to make models and read maps of familiar areas, as well as use appropriate vocabulary to communicate and describe locations of places and objects. Pictured below, Ms. Huot is giving all of the students instructions on how to create simple, effective directions to a "secret location" in the school. The children then were given the chance to find Ms. Huot's secret location, and then write their own. Once each reading buddy group wrote out their directions, another group had to go and find their secret location in the school! Fun!!!
Our next session with our reading buddies will involve them mapping out their route on a floor plan of our school.
On another note, my son's front tooth is finally growing in! He was very excited to see a little bit of white peeking out of his gums! He's almost 7 (in two weeks) and he has an adult front tooth! That's crazy!
Good Night!
I LOVE this idea!! Thanks so much for sharing!